‘Tis the season! If face painting is in your future this Halloween season, it’s not too late to order and use this face paint by Go Green. I found it 4 years ago and keep it in my office. As a mother of three I have been shocked by how often I have needed face paint for school plays, Halloween, birthdays… It is vegan and paraben free which means it is safe for them and me. It took a few bad experiences for me to realize my hands were breaking out because I was getting the face paint on my skin and it had Lanolin in it, something I now know I am allergic to. This brand isn’t greasy, dries quickly, and it washes off with just a little water and a paper towel. Get after it parents!!
As you can see it really did the trick last night. I forgot we had a Halloween party the week before Halloween. I had a work video shoot and got home at 4:40pm and the party was at 5:30pm. I had one and a half costumes prepped for 3 children. We improvised and this face paint helped to make Emma look extra creepy, and it really transformed JT’s hand-me-down dragon costume (a 2T for his 5T body) into a legit outfit. His headpiece was created with the help of my hot glue gun (also a must for parents who don’t plan ahead!) and one of the girls headbands. Last minute planning for the win!

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