I was recently green with envy when one of my chicest friends came to my house wearing a show-stopping beaded necklace. I immediately asked who had designed it. I knew then and there that I needed to share this brand with my readers. There is nothing I like more than a piece of jewelry that can make an outfit. In recent years I have tried to keep things simple when it comes to what I wear. I’ve started buying more staple pieces that are easy to mix and match – I then add in a shoe or piece of jewelry that makes the outfit. The necklaces, earrings, and bracelets made by Mignonne Gavigan do just that. I am thrilled to share that Mignonne Gavigan will be here on May 13th and 14th doing a trunk show at the home of Catie Salyer. Lucky us! These pieces are handmade and each and every one is stunning. I will be first in line to buy one from the “Le Marcel” collection – perfection for this summer!
My MG Picks

{MG Aztec Charo Necklace, Splendid T-Shirt, Frame Skinny Jeans, Charlotte Olympia Sandal}
{Torn Dress, MG Le Marcel Necklace, Christian Louboutin Peep Toe Heel, YSL Clutch}
Q&A with Mignonne Gavigan
What is Mignonne Gavigan? What does the name mean?
My maiden name was Mignonne Anna Gavigan and the brand is now Mignonne Gavigan New York because it is completely a reflection of me, my thoughts and my feelings.
The Designer in one of her own pieces.
Can share your style/design background with us all?
I first got into fashion when I finished my Political Science Degree from UNC at the Sorbonne in Paris. I had gone over there to fulfill my french requirements, live with a french family and to explore Europe with a couple other UNC best friends. I remember calling my mom after I finished that last exam and asking, “What do I do now?” She said, “What do you love?”. Without hesitation I said “fashion”. I have always loved fashion. I remember draping my towel around myself post shower in high school and trying to get the best drape for a dress. I used to cut up my dad’s worn in jeans and resew them so they fit the way I wanted and had just the right washed out look. I enrolled in Parsons Paris and was excepted into their fashion design program. After a year in Paris I transferred to the Parsons in New York. While still going to school, I had a year long internship at Marc Jacobs and worked part time at Asprey as a PR assistant. I knew I need to have experience under my belt to be able to compete in the fashion industry for entry level jobs. I landed my first gig out of school at a high end fashion collective called FORM. It was a crash course in everything a fashion company could include… design, illustration, sample making, runway shows. It was so small (5 of us) that I ended up learning a great deal about start ups…. selling strategies, branding, how to survive. It was some of the best training anyone could ask for in their first design job. I left after 3 years and started designing handbags that launched Khirma Eliazov (sold at Bergdorf Goodman). I then took a footwear design position with Rachel Roy and helped launch her bridge and contemporary lines. Most recently, I was a senior footwear designer at Loeffler Randall.
Throughout my tenure, I’ve always had it in mind to create a line of my own. I wanted to learn as much as I could from each design post so that I would be as prepared as possible to build my own line. After being exposed to the beauty of couture dresses, I wanted to take apparel details and make jewelry in a new way, I wanted to create a scarf necklace. Each necklace is handmade in India and the quality of work is evident. The intricate details, the quality craftsmanship and the personality of each piece lent me to begin my own brand, Mignonne Gavigan New York. In 2009, I created my original scarf necklace, the Le Charlot, under the name Mignonne Gavigan New York. I took this piece to a sales meeting and the assistant buyer asked to join me with the sales and marketing effort. I agreed to add her to the team and we formed Roarke New York, LLC and began selling the scarf necklaces under the Roarke label. While I was proud of the work I created working with Roarke New York, I am very excited to launch a new company that sells my designs, old and new, under the original Mignonne Gavigan brand name.
Where are your pieces made?
The pieces are all made by hand by artisans in India. I have worked with embroiderers my entire 10 year tenure in NY and the best craftsmen are in India for the type of product I am producing. Eventually I would like to use my experience in footwear and handbags to expand the company and those pieces will be made in other areas: Italy, Brazil, China.
What inspires your design?
Everything and anything….the city I live in, the people around me, the cracks in the subway tiles, the texture of my pillows, the way my bathroom tiles are laid out, the thread work in vintage finds, the beading in my mother in law’s turn of the century beaded purses, the sunset, the reflection in the taxi cab window, the design of the skyscraper going up in place of the twin towers just down my street.
Who are your muses?
Taylor Tomasi Hill, Kate Blanchett, and Shala Monroque!
Who is your ideal client?
My ideal client is you, your mom, your sister… anyone that gets a smile on their face as soon as they see the collection. We’ve had so much success walking around and selling pieces off our necks….the word is spreading like wildfire. People see the necklaces and instantly want one. And it’s for all age groups…. everyone from your little sister to your grandmother.
Where can people buy your designs?
You can buy directly from out site at www.mignonnegavigan.com. You’ll also find us as Poole Shop in Charlotte, NC, Angela’s in Rye, NY, Pamela Robbins in Scarsdale, NC, and Bardot in Newport Beach, CA.
What cultures and genres inspire your current collections?
Oh wow, this is a tough one. I would have to say both Africa or Istanbul. We just went to South Africa this past January. Driving to the southern point of Africa, seeing the terrain and massive cliffs in the Kruger National Park where we saw extraordinary animals in their natural habitat up close and personal was amazing. And in Istanbul, the range of visual stimulus was overwhelmingly delicious.
i love them all.. I would love something in an animal print !!