See: Annie

Last weekend I took my girls who are 6 and 4 to see Annie and we adored it. I know it has gotten mixed reviews but I wanted to let you all know that I thought it was precious and the music was co catchy and fun that we immediately came home and downloaded the whole soundtrack off of iTunes. (I may have even listened to the entire thing twice wall snow shoeing in VT this past weekend.) Quvenzhané Wallis, who played Annie, had just the right amount of spunk and sincerity. She has a beautiful little voice. And Jamie Foxx did a great job. He played the tough guy but I melted over his performance towards the end when he realized how much he loved Annie. Rose Byrne, as Foxx’s devoted assistant, was great and the chemistry between the two was very natural. The only thorn amongst the roses was Cameron Diaz who just didn’t cut it as Ms. Hannigan. What can I say? Carol Burnett is a tough act to follow. Lastly I am also happy to report that this version is much less scary than the original 1982 version. Spoiler alert: There is no raised drawbridge that Annie climbs while Rooster Hannigan desperately tries to pull her down. All in all a great way to spend a rainy Sunday afternoon!

My new favorite song, “Opportunity”.

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  1. We loved Annie too!! It was refreshing! Madi and her friends loved it and we sang all the way home!

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