Marina Keegan – The Loss of a Powerful Voice

This morning I read the last article written by Marina Keegan in the Yale Daily News entitled “The Opposite of Loneliness”. I was immediately in awe of the words written by this young woman. She was a student at Yale, graduating magna cum laude in May of 2012. With a job waiting for her at the New… read more

Best Books: Wonder

Sometimes the things most simply said can have the greatest impact on us all. In this book written through the eyes of a young boy named August Pullman, whose face is severely disfigured, we are reminded that being a kid is tough. Being a kid who is different is even tougher. In Wonder by RJ… read more

Best Books: The Day the Crayons Quit

A mystery unfolded in our home 2 weeks ago… One evening as the girls nibbled away at dinner I peeked outside the front door to see a large parcel from Amazon. I carried the box inside and opened it up to find a book inside called The Day the Crayons Quit and there with the… read more

Got Proof?

This book, Proof of Heaven, by Eben Alexander, was a game changer for me. I think (more often than I probably should) about the afterlife. This first-hand account of one neuro-surgeon’s near death experience had me mesmerized and convinced. Alexander’s style of writing is clean and concise. For me it was a total page-turner. As… read more


I’m a bookie. I love reading – and I especially love the feel of an old-fashioned paper book in my hands. Since starting the blog I have found myself logging many hours at my local library. I spend hours typing away in the company of others bibliophiles in search of books, kid-free space, and quiet… read more

Best Books: The Snatchabook

Guess who? When I was young there was a rule in our household. With toys and candy there were reasonable limits, but with books the sky was the limit. My mom couldn’t imagine limiting our access to reading so she very rarely declined a  request to buy books. I remember waiting with bated breath each… read more

What I’m Reading Now…

Yeah. Wake up and be awesome. I am certainly going to try. Here are the best of what I’ve been reading on the web. Enjoy! Have you been to Whole Foods? Really been to Whole Foods? This comedian’s assessment of the “WF Experience” is brilliantly funny… A recipe shared by one of my children’s teacher…. read more

Read all about it!

Reading keeps your mind sharp. It allows escape and encourages emotions. I love curling up in a cozy chair and tearing into a good book. Or digging my toes into the sand and sitting by the water’s edge as I disappear into another world far away. Isn’t that what the month of August is for?… read more

Five Friday Favorites for Moms

To be a mother is to know great pride, disappointment, love, anxiety, and joy. It can be the best and hardest job on Earth. We try and toil – comparing ourselves to others – while also promising ourselves we will do it our own way. As I reflect on this Mother’s Day I realize my… read more