Commercial Impact


I wasn’t going to blog today but darn you Powerade. I saw this and new it needed to be shared. If you need some inspiration today watch this commercial. I know it made me wonder if I am giving nearly enough heart and effort to the things I do each day. Let’s all try harder. Think of Nico Calabria when you do…


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  1. Selina Strong says:

    every hair on my body is standing on end. that was so beautiful.

  2. Karen Thomas Rubenstein says:


  3. Kingsley says:

    The tears just started flowing…pride, awe and appreciation

  4. Allison says:

    I’m school. This is amazing!

  5. Michael Duda says:

    The power of advertising…

  6. Love… #proudsis

  7. Kathy Altomaro says:

    Humbled by how very much I take for granted & how much God has blessed me!

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