Lovin’ blogs? Then try Bloglovin’!

Bloglovin' on The Sentimentalist I am a total convert. 3 years ago I didn’t even know what a blog was but here we are in 2014 and I am blogging up a storm and loving it! My musings might seem somewhat self-indulgent but I can assure you I am just as interested in what others have to say as I am with my own content. I follow multiple blogs each day – some about food, some about fashion, some about parenting, and some about all of the above. How do you follow many blogs you might ask? Isn’t your inbox a swampland of unread emails? Not a chance. I don’t have time for that kind of nonsense. I get one email a day with most of the blogs I follow tied up in a neat little bow. The very nifty site I use to deliver this package deal is called Bloglovin’. Most bloggers register with the site when they set themselves up so you can find blogs either by name or by web address. To follow me on Bloglovin’ click here and then just click on the “+follow” button. I don’t say this nearly enough but I am so very grateful for those of you following along on The Sentimentalist’s journey. Whether it is via subscription, checking in with the site from time to time, clicking through on Facebook, or using Bloglovin’ I am so humbled by your support. Without it the blog would mean nothing. The audience and feedback is what makes the conversation so rich. Thanks very much for all the “lovin”.

The Bloglovin’ site (seen below) is very easy to navigate!

Bloglovin' on The Sentimentalist

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