The Big Push


I know what you were all thinking when you read the title but this post is not about the impending arrival of my third child. It’s about this blog – my 2nd and a half child and really finding a way to push it out there. When I launched this blog almost 2 years ago I had no clue where it was headed or who would come along for the ride. I knew I had personal ideas and insights to share but I was also hell-bent on seeking out worthwhile meaningful content from others to deliver to my followers each week. We’ve shared opinions, fashion advice, recipes, and laughter. I have enjoyed it so thoroughly and I hope you have too. To those of you who have reached out to tell me what the blog means to you I am so very grateful – it has kept me writing even when I wondered if this whole thing was too self-indulgent and just another email cluttering your inboxes. You gave me confidence to keep going.

I know that the arrival of a new baby will undoubtedly disrupt my work flow but I am committed to keeping this dialogue going. This is where I need your help. If you like the blog but have asked me why you only get an email about it every month or so that’s because you haven’t subscribed. I send out synopsis emails to a big group once a month, but if you subscribe by putting your email address in the box in the top portion of the right column and clicking “subscribe” you are asking to receive our new content as it is published a few times a week. Please do it because I’d love to have you as a subscriber! If what we’ve created here resonates with you it might also resonate with your friends and family I don’t know. Please pass it along to them! The key to success in the blog world is growing your audience. I would be so grateful and humbled if you all helped me to achieve this herculean task by forwarding one of my links to people I don’t have access to.

We also love to get a good dialogue going over here at The Sent. When it’s just me and my opinions it can get stale. I am so thrilled when I get feedback from you all on the blog in the comment section or on Facebook. Please keep sharing your opinions and insights. I know my readers are incredibly smart and well read (because we often connect over email and in person) and my hope is that you will share your wisdom with each other through the blog’s comment section. To leave a comment you can click on the “comment” link below the post’s title. Then fill in your name, email and website address when prompted and you are all set! Rest assured your email address is never shared in the comment or on my blog. Just your comment and name. And if you are shy – no worries. You can choose to be listed as “anonymous”.



And lastly – social media is the key to my success (with advertisers) so please follow me on Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and Facebook. You can also share your favorite links by clicking on the buttons I have added at the top of each post. Sharing is caring after all…


Thank you thank you thank you for being a part of this fantastic journey with me. I couldn’t do it without your help and support!

*The pink arrows highlighted on the screenshots indicate where you can find the links on my site!

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  1. Lindley – I enjoyed watching you when you were on NY1. I wish you all the best for a healthy baby.

  2. Heather Wright says:

    Love the title of this post! I did think of the impending aerobic undertaking you are about to take. Thanks for reminding us to “share is to care” and how to do so with the helpful illustrations. It really helps to have that walk through for those of us who are newer to all this then others! Best to mother and baby, Heather

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