Chris Kyle 1974-2013
Last night we watched American Sniper. It felt fitting as this weekend we acknowledge Memorial Day, a federal holiday that remembers the people who died while serving in the country’s armed forces. The story of Navy SEAL Sniper Chris Kyle’s life is both heroic and heartbreaking. After watching I went to bed feeling a great sense of gratitude for all the men and women who have served and continue to serve our country. I feel lucky to live in this beautiful country.

Blue Spring State Park, Florida

Lake Powell, Utah

Niagara Falls, New York

Smith Rock, Oregon

Oak Alley Plantation, Louisiana

Ship Rock, New Mexico

Little Redfish Lake, Idaho

Antelope Canyon, Arizona

Grand Tetons, Wyoming


Horseshoe Bend, Nevada


Mount Hope Bridge, Rhode Island

Eagle River, Alaska

Outer Banks, North Caroline
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