All Natural Skincare Favorites

As the dry winds drift off to sea and the humidity returns I find my skin is completely schizophrenic. I know that in a few months I will be reaching for a lighter moisturizer but for now, on the tail of a week in the sun for spring break, my skin is flaky and dry…. read more

Linked In

When John mentioned years ago that he had reconnected with an old friend on “linked in” I asked what he meant. He explained that Linked In was a social media website that’s geared towards business and connecting with other people in relevant industries. “Huh.” I said and didn’t think much more of it. I casually… read more

Pink Popcorn

When John and I lived in NYC and I was working long hours as a television reporter my guilty pleasure was watching movie trailers on Moviefone late at night before bed. (Don’t poke fun. For me it has always been the simple things in life…) I didn’t have time to go to the movies so… read more

Overheard in our bedroom…

I have neck issues so I spend 15 minutes stretching my neck pre-bedtime. This provides me with a perfect window of time for pillow talk with my husband John. Poor guy… Here’s where things went the other night. Me: Sweetie, do you think it’s safe for Em to go to that Chelsea Piers Gymnastics camp… read more

Best Books: Wonder

Sometimes the things most simply said can have the greatest impact on us all. In this book written through the eyes of a young boy named August Pullman, whose face is severely disfigured, we are reminded that being a kid is tough. Being a kid who is different is even tougher. In Wonder by RJ… read more

March: Links I Love

Tie one on! A beautiful bracelet to make for this summer. Ever felt somebody creeping up on you in line? Maybe they need a lesson in etiquette. Something so nostalgic about collections… I peed in my pants a little watching this. For many reasons. Love me some vegetarian food. Fantastic food photography too! This treat… read more

Spring Break

{1.Madewell Openview Tunic 2.Calypso Scarf 3.AG Stilt Jeans 4. Steven Alan Odette NY Bracelet 5.Giraffe Walk Shoe 6.L.L. Bean Hunter’s Tote 7.Madewell Outbound Jacket 8.Nikon D5100 9.Larabar 10.The Week Magazine, The Flamethrowers, Vogue} As a child my family travelled once a year. It was the highlight of our spring. We decked ourselves out in our “Sunday Best” since my mom believed those at both broadway shows… read more

The Best Breakfast Smoothie

I have seldom met a smoothie that counts as breakfast (I am usually an egg and toast kind of girl) but I promise this one is hearty. I guzzle one of these at 8am and it usually keeps me satisfied until noon. It’s easy to make, full of protein and fiber, and truth be told… read more

Beauty Buzz: Beautycounter

When I was young I slapped on whatever face cream I grabbed from a shelf at the local pharmacy (price played a large role in my selection). My go-to shampoo and conditioner was made by Suave. Remember that one that had such a distinctive smell? I was young and naive then but now I know… read more

Hello From: Chronicles of Him & Her

One of the things I’ve enjoyed most about being a blogger is the market research. Since starting The Sentimentalist I have spent hours upon hours (John recently asked me if I had gotten to the end of the internet?!?) getting to know other blogs. It’s amazing how many talented people are out there in this… read more